Mid-Market Private Equity Fund Accelerates Growth

Founded in 1999 with a borrowed office, two desks, one computer and no capital, Inflexion’s passion and understanding of the market has helped it become one of the largest and most successful investment funds serving the mid-market. Today, Inflexion provides capital from £10m-£250m with a portfolio across 150 countries.




London, UK




Sage 50


Sage Intacct, Sun Systems, Opera


NetSuite OneWorld

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“The growth of the company over the past five to ten years has been extensive, and the accounting system we were using was no longer fit for purpose for a company of our size and the reporting requirements that were then needed. ” Phil Chin, Corporate Accounting Manager, Inflexion

Restless Ambition Drives Growth

Success breeds success
Consistent growth in fund size from £165 million to over £2.2 billion in 2018 and a further £1bn in 2019 came as a result of consistently performing funds and the returns Inflexion were able to provide to its investors. This consistent success has lead to increased interest, the ability to raise bigger funds and the growth of the business.
Entrepreneurial eagerness
Consistent growth necessitated the need for a greater ability to report on what was going on. However, its existing system, which the company had been using for nearly 20 years, was no longer fit for purpose and didn’t fulfil the reporting requirements that were needed. Inflexion needed a more powerful reporting capability and a system that could keep up with its rapid growth, being both fit for purpose now and in the future.
Gaining control and power
With investment came the need to view how money is being spent, tracking budgets and getting into granular detail. Since Inflexion turned to NetSuite, it has been able to move from a time-consuming process of analysing expense code line-by-line to running a report in a matter of seconds, saving days of manual work.

Inflexion can now segment, cut and allocate data and drive reporting, all at the touch of a button. “It’s given us the control and power to report to a whole new level compared to where we were.”


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