NetSuite Helps Manufacturer Add Customers, Cut Production Time

Medalcraft Mint


Medalcraft Mint


Green Bay, Wis.



Applications Replaced

Proprietary, AS/400-based

“NetSuite has helped us across the board, but the customer center in particular has helped us grow by taking a lot of the labor out of custom order-handling. And our shipping automation now lets us handle larger customers—organizations that might want to ship products to 200 locations—much more easily.” Medalcraft Mint

Customer Success

  • Company has added approximately 25% new customers since bringing on NetSuite.
  • Automated order processing has helped company reduce sales staff by 50%.
  • Marketing email blasts, impossible with old system, bring in 20–30 new customers each month.
  • Assembling custom-order kits now takes just 20% of the time it took before NetSuite.
  • Producing complex drop-ship manifests now takes less than 20% of the time required with the manual system.


  • Company wanted to grow its customer base, make better use of its website.
  • Company took custom orders by phone slowing process and limiting potential for higher-margin custom sales.
  • Company had to handle complex drop-ship orders manually, slowing shipments to multiple customer locations.


  • Replaced proprietary business software with NetSuite ERP, CRM, and ecommerce.
  • NetSuite partner OZ Development integrated multi-carrier shipping automation software.
  • Company has used NetSuite's customer portal to build 26 customer centers and 11 product malls for customer self-service.
  • Scripts in customer centers and malls post orders to Medalcraft's approvals database automatically.
  • NetSuite lets company prioritize shipping modes to benefit preferred customers.

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