NetSuite's Advanced Commerce Module Helps Online Sports Retailer Boost Sales by 45%





Brookline, NH


Retail, Ecommerce

Applications Replaced

Zoovy, QuickBooks, spreadsheets

“NetSuite gives us a fully integrated system that supports our growth from $5 to $50 million and beyond, without any fear of hitting a wall and needing new business software.” SportStop

Customer Success

  • NetSuite's ecommerce solution storefront has helped contribute to a 45% increase in online sales.
  • The enhanced shopping experience provided by NetSuite's ecommerce solution is largely responsible for more than doubling the time that prospects spend on the SportStop Website, and has boosted the average number of page views by 78%; the number of unique visitors by 56%; pages per visit by 14%; and new visits by 6% over the previous Website.
  • SportStop has continued double-digit grown without adding new IT staff.
  • More efficient warehouse management is saving the equivalent costs of 10 full-time employees.
  • Reduced inventory waste has enabled the company to support a 34% yearly sales increase with just a 10% increase in inventory.
  • Improved inventory-management forecasting is helping SportStop lower purchasing costs by committing to higher volumes of successful products.
  • Seasonal forecast reports now take just 20 minutes, compared to a week or more with the previous system.


  • Online lacrosse equipment retailer wanted to maximize ecommerce performance, warehouse-management efficiency to help drive double-digit growth.
  • Existing ecommerce site was suffering from poor performance, wasting seconds on back-clicks and reordering, and discouraging customer integration.
  • Limited, non-integrated business software made inventory tracking and forecasting difficult, reducing the company's ability to respond quickly to fast-changing seasonal buying trends.


  • SportStop used NetSuite ecommerce solution to provide blazing fast ecommerce shopping experience and leading search and browse capability.
  • SportStop used NetSuite to integrate financials with warehouse management, CRM, and ecommerce, using NetSuite's SuiteCommerce to build the new Website.
  • NetSuite partner Ozlink Logistics helped development of barcode scanning and other warehouse functions.

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