Topo Athletic Starts Company on the Right Foot with Unified Commerce Solution

In 2013, Tony Post launched Topo Athletic with a mission to create footwear that delivers a better running experience. Instead of using stand-alone systems and applications to support the business, which is a typical route so many young start ups take, Post decided to implement NetSuite’s unified, cloud-based platform so they wouldn't have to worry about whether their systems could scale as the business grew.

Topo Athletic


Topo Athletic


Framingham, Mass.


Apparel, Footwear and Accessories




NetSuite SuiteCommerce Advanced
Inventory management
Order management


NetSuite Professional Services

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“NetSuite is a robust, all-in-one system that allows us to do everything we need to simplify and optimize our business.” Natalie Riley, VP of Finance and Operations, Topo Athletic

Scalable Platform Supports Rapid Growth

Not slowing down
Topo Athletic has doubled its growth year over year, supported by the NetSuite platform. With a single, unified solution, Topo Athletic sells to consumers online and supports more than 350 retailers in eight countries. The single source of customer, financial, inventory and order data enables the company to make better informed, timely decisions.
SuiteCommerce delivers big results
After upgrading from Site Builder to SuiteCommerce Advanced, mobile conversion rates went up 133 percent—making mobile the number one source of web traffic and purchases. The modern site design and rich content have also increased time on site by 86 percent; conversion rates are up 50 percent and average order value up 12 percent. The site management tools enable the business teams to easily update the site without relying on IT resources.
Optimized inventory and order management
Topo Athletic has real-time visibility of inventory in its California warehouse that helps optimize demand planning. NetSuite’s sophisticated reporting capabilities can better prepare the manufacturing team in China for the upcoming product demand which ensures its retail partners and online store are well-stocked.


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