SuiteSuccess Financials First

Engineering Lifelong Customer Success

SuiteSuccess for Financials

NetSuite is committed to helping your company stay agile in the face of massive change. With thousands of successful ERP implementations, NetSuite has a deep understanding of businesses across all sectors and the many financial challenges they face. Leveraging that experience, NetSuite has developed Financials First, a new methodology focused on four key areas:

Continuous Customer Lifecycle Engagement

We take a consultative approach from sales to implementation to support to ensure continuity across your lifecycle as a customer, setting your business up for success from Day One.

Built on Leading Practices

With Financials First, you don’t just get software, you get the benefit of NetSuite’s experience in financial software. Expert implementation equips customers to make the most of NetSuite and quickly expand with complementary, next-generation solutions.

Intelligent Phased Implementation

Rapid implementation gets you up and running quickly with cloud delivery eliminating on-premise IT costs and automatic updates so your software is always current, while an agile and phased approach transforms your business to drive results.

Business Intelligence

Financials First delivers hundreds of pre-built reports and value-driven dashboards developed from years of real-world use by thousands of people in similar roles at distribution companies.

Get all the details in our Financials First solution brief

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“NetSuite gives us a system we can build on. We now have an integrated real-time view of what’s happening across the business and can spot issues earlier for faster intervention.” Ger Kirk, Operations Manager, Calnex

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NetSuite delivers a unique set of processes, activities and systems specifically designed to deliver value from Day One including:

Full visibility

Across the organisation to operate at the speed of modern business, drive results and scale. By unifying the front and back office, NetSuite gives companies access to the true financial status of the organisation in real-time.

150+ pre-built reports and pre-configured roles

With dashboards and business intelligence metrics. Working from one single source of truth, your company will see an immediate increase in productivity—allowing more time to focus on business acceleration.

Fully flexible platform

Which allows for customisation to industry and business need. NetSuite allows you to meet your unique requirements and seamlessly integrate with third party applications.

Rapid ROI

That traditional ERP systems can’t match. Simplified maintenance eliminates the need for costly IT infrastructure and support with a cloud-based system that is always up-to-date and customisations that carry forward automatically.

Ready on day one

With Financials First, we deliver pre-defined user dashboards that are specific to your role and developed from our years of experience with businesses just like yours. There’s no waiting to get started. Your business is ready to grow from the start.